Friday, March 20, 2009

SLOG Safer than Books

ledFrisbees are lead-free, but borne from plastic. The SLOG is most definitely unleaded, except for this LedZep.

Old Books - A New Source of Lead Poisoning? [PDishy 02.20.09]

Books published prior to 1985 were often printed with lead-based inks and paints. Under the recently passed Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, lead limits in anything intended for kids aged 12 and under is strictly regulated. Lead exposure in children has been linked to lower IQ and criminal behavior.

The U.S. government fears that those old books won't make you smart -- they may cause brain damage! ...

There are plenty of things to worry about when you're raising kids -- worrying that a book might make them sick is a waste of energy. If you must, tell your child not to put "The Three Little Kittens Who Lost Their Mittens" in her mouth -- or take it away altogether until she's old enough to read it, not eat it. But don't give up on a whole generation of books. That's just silly.

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