Saturday, May 05, 2007

Week 9: pressurEPA

Saturday's game was a makeup of a canceled game earlier in the season. Despite the fact the game players were Friends of Pickup there was added stress to this game -- would Sludge be entering the postseason with a subpar record...?

The longest game setup was aptly started with the longest first point. Meanwhile, based on the outdated mpg calculations, it took less than .85 of a point for cussin' Russ to do so.

Sludge began spewing oZone, but by 3-3 (the game score & Sludge's record), a new standard was imposed - person D. EPA regulated Sludge's 1st half low emissions of cutting to the disc and high turnovers. Perchance, Sludge may have feared fines for dumping (& swinging). At the halfway mark, Sludge & EPA were in an old-fashioned horse race.

At a boosted 79%, Sludge altered the throwaway mentality and showed positive environmental stewardship with not just one cut-catch-&-release, but another & another.

No need to put Sludge on the endangered species list! Sludge won by an impressive 5 points and ended the season 1 game above .500. What a great way to end the season with a very good-natured game within the shadows of the WashMon. NOW onto the more important stuff...setting a date for the POOL PARTY!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Other Game Notes:
    The Dynamic Duo dropped dose (one each) catches in uno point, which led to a pushup by Russ.

    Jen grew a wild bouncy ponytail.

    Joe had one of his southpaw high flyers from mid-field for a score; this one was especially superduper since it circled the Washington Monument twice before it was caught.

    Rob got a new cut & a new ‘do; the one of his knee is better than the other.

    In one mini game within the game (K. Russ vs Cussin’ Russ), K. Russ made a nice concentrated catch against CR who had tipped the disc in the air.

    There was some really good passing of the brown shirt back-and-forth between Bucci & Kelly.
