Thursday, March 27, 2008

Da Bomb

Album review of a Detroity band by The Onion's A.V. Club :
The Dirtbombs: We Have You Surrounded

...The Dirtbombs have grown into a powerhouse no garage can contain. We Have You Surrounded, the group's fourth album, is by far its slickest and most deliberate; immaculately trimmed and fitted, it sculpts fuzz and sludge into glam-shaped, pop-drizzled nuggets ....The experimentation falls flat in places, but it's still exhilarating to hear something as stock as garage-rock fed through the Play-Doh Fun Factory of Collins' deranged brain. A.V. Club Rating: B+

-->$13 Tix for April 5th gig @ RockNRoll Hotel

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