Monday, March 17, 2008

Week 1: Food Baby

Since (almost) all of Sludge & Sludge Generation II were present and playing, your glog memory is as good as mine...

Sludge: 14 - SP: 16.

Pasta amounts are tough to estimate; you never know how much you need, either way you know it won't go to waste.

After a long winterish season, Sludge seeped to MontHills clocking in at Eastern Standard Time. Warmups were daring based on conquesting comments like:
'My oh my, the ground is so soft.',
'Wow, I am already winded.' &
'Gracious, I am really hungry.'
Other risk takers skipped intros, arriving to the ground-of-play by way of the playground.

Pickupian ways canoodled in the beginning. In the red early, Sludge came back saucey. Overall, O-cuts on the first half of the field didn't regurge nearer our goal. Closer to the goal, Sludge clumped together like cheese-on-mac. And in this season of March Madness, we all know ya gotta hit your free throws to win. A slump or two would have been beneficial...slump (1,2,3,4-5,6-7,8,9-10,11, twe-eh-eh-eh-eh-lve(Vid 2:42)...hey, a new word...Sludge Dump).

In a rare and near upsetting occurrence, the other team whipped up a zone defense before Sludge. Oh-Zone-You-Didn't!

By the 2nd half, Sludge quickly learned: if you ain't playing, then you're babysitting. Even as the team in blue unis drained well, Sludge kept to a gentle simmer yet never really boiled over. It looked promising with Russ' Jen-assisted shoe-string catch score....up 14-13!
Uncooked pasta can break easily, though. After a picked-off pass by a poacher, SnPac linguined Sludge 16-14. Sludge played really well in the well played season opener.

:Game Notes:
Christy fashioned some new kickin' cleats.
Rob proved he's been reading & wore a new Tshirt (not sure why he bought the female style.)
Gayle was placed on IR in the 2nd half. :(
Matthew is using his head again.
NICH is a speed demon!

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