Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lefty Loosey

You will hafta wait until the fall season to use the same plea Big Brown's been trotting around for not finishing first place in the Belmont....the excuse: A loose screw shoe.

[Recent] photos show a dislodged shoe on the horse's right hind hoof about 200 yards into the Belmont. There was no evidence of injury to the hoof after the race, but Iavarone didn't think it could have been comfortable for the horse, who was wearing an acrylic patch on his left front hoof to compensate for a painful quarter crack.

"When a shoe comes off, it does throw a horse out of balance, but it depends how traumatically it happens and at what stage of the race," Greg Bennett, the primary veterinarian for Rick Dutrow, Big Brown's trainer told the paper. "A couple nails can loosen up, which can cause a lot of problems and affect a horse's performance.

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