Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 8: You Don’t Know the Half of It

wind.discBetween a gust and a windy place is where Sludge found themselves at Anacostia Park on Saturday. Discs were caught more by the wind than in-hand.

At 0-1, Sludge would even the score 7 times. The prevailing wind sailed the FLYING DebrISC to the end zone furthest away from the river – where each of the first 14 points was scored. Hats off to Sludge who did a beaufort-ul job of winning the near up-wind points game. The most exhausting part about the game was either chasing after the downwind overthrown disc, or waiting for the chasedowns.
Then, Sludge finally broke wind! The elusive up-wind point felt accelerating! 8-7 at half. And brown would now receive the 2nd half pull. Huh?

Instead, Walkoshame sKNOTily interpreted that the agreed-upon soft cap (maximum score limit) somehow voids any halftime (when one team’s score first reaches or exceeds the half of the game total).

So, the first half continued rolling as did the near ‘Near Gale’ conditions. Sludge then breezily blew through the next 3 points. Win 10-7.

NOTE: Thanks to La Lomita Dos for their post-game supplies.

1 comment:

  1. wow, nice job sliding beaufort in there!
