Monday, September 30, 2013

Performance by Top Seeds at Regionals

How did the top-seeded teams perform at Regionals?  

Nearly 80% (19/24) of #1 seeds won their 2013 Regional Tournaments held during the past two weekends. Not all of the eight USA Ultimate regions are created equal, with some having more bids than others, so data focused only on the top-seeded teams at each of the Regionals. Over 90% of #1 seeds qualified for Nationals.

#1 seeded Triple Crown Tour Ultimate Teams at 2013 Regionals
  • Men's top seeds: 88% won their Region; 100% qualified for Nationals.
  • Mixed top seeds: 63% won their Region; 75% qualified for Nationals.
  • Women's top seeds: 88% won their Region; 100% qualified for Nationals.
  • OVERALL: 79.1% (19/24) won their Region; 91.6% (22/24) qualified for Nationals.

Men's: Only the South Central region "broke seed" with the #2 team (Doublewide) beating the #1 (Johnny Bravo); both qualified for Nationals.
Mixed: Three regions "broke seed" - Great Lakes (Steamboat), Northeast (The Ghosts), Southeast (Cahoots).
Women's: Only the Southeast region "broke seed" with the #2 team (Phoenix) beating the #1 (Ozone); both qualified for Nationals.
Overall: Only two #1 seeds did not qualify for Nationals; both are mixed teams - one in Great Lakes & one in Southeast (1-bid regions).

In 1-bid Regions: 77.7% (7/9) of #1 seeds won their Regionals (Men: 2/2, Mixed: 2/4; Women: 3/3).

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