Tuesday, March 04, 2014

AUDL Map Issues

American Ultimate Disc League published a line-saturated map promoting their professional Ultimate teams. The '2014 AUDL Teams' map shows all 17 teams, including the 5 teams in the west, 3 Canadian teams, and 2 teams in New York state.

Besides the illegible font size in the team profile and the unnecessary burst of lines emanating from the Kentucky-Tennessee border, there are also 2 text errors:

Should be Chicago 'Wildfire', not "Wild Fire"
Riptide's city should be spelled starting with a 'V', not "U" with a better chosen font so it looks like a "V" 
Based on the erred AUDL Map, here are the updated logos for Chicago & the Riptide:

UPDATED 4/8/2014: A revised map is now being used online by the AUDL with corrections in the Vancouver font choice and Wildfire's spacing.

Updated team info on current AUDL map

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