Wednesday, December 17, 2014

State Breakdown of Team USA U23 Roster

USA Ultimate announced the final Team USA rosters scheduled to compete in WFDF's Under 23 Ultimate Championships (July 2015) in London. Three teams will represent the USA - mixed, men's & women.

Published rosters associated players with their current school. Two selected players are still in high school - Henry Phan & Jaclyn Verzuh. Overall, 21 states and the District of Columbia are represented in the final rostering of the three teams.
[UPDATED  12/17, 11:01 ET AM]

Top-5 States Represented in USAU U23 Rosters
1st) California, 14 (18%)
2nd) Washington, 10 (13%)
3rd) North Carolina, 6 (8%)
4th) Pennsylvania, 5 (6%)
5th - tied) Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, 4 (5%)

[DATA SOURCE: USAU; alternates included in chart]
RELATED: 2013 breakdown.

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