Friday, February 06, 2015

Documentary: 175 Grams

This documentary about ultimate Frisbee as a positive recreational activity for those living in India's slums was one of the five Short Film Challenge winning films at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival. The Short Film Challenge was sponsored by the Gates Foundation, which sought documentaries focused around extreme hunger and poverty. All winning shorts in this category won $10,000 in prize money. Amazingly, the footage was filmed over one weekend and had no script.

The film starts with 19 y.o. Gani speaking: "I live in the corner of a slum. Earlier, I never liked the life I was leading. But after I found frisbee, it became a lot better." The rest of the flick shows youth as part of the Fly Wild Ultimate team playing and enjoying beach ultimate, and the sport giving purpose to these youths.

[Screengrab] "Frisbee is all I want. It's my life."
Title: 175 Grams

Length: 8 minutes

By: Bharat Mirle and Aravind Iyer

"175 Grams" | Sundance Short Film Challenge from Sundance Institute on Vimeo.

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