Monday, April 13, 2015

Scandal Wins WCP Poll and Gets Mentioned in The Washington Post

Fans were requested to vote for Scandal and they received the votes necessary to place in the 2015 readers' poll of Washington City Paper's Best-Of DC!

via WCP print edition

The WCP 2015 final results also got noticed by The Washington Post's Sports Bog, "Jayson Werth and an ultimate frisbee team are among the runners-up in City Paper’s 'Best of D.C.' poll." Scott Allen drops knowledge of the local ultimate scene with: "Forget football. With Scandal, the D.C. Breeze and the D.C. Current, this is fast becoming a frisbee town. Seriously, "Best Local Semi-Pro Ultimate Team" should be its own category next year."

screengrab via WaPo

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