Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Mascots in Major League Ultimate

All four of the Western Conference MLU teams now have mascots, while only one Eastern conference team (Philadelphia) has a mascot. See below for the mascot for each Western MLU team:

Vancouver: Mo Hawkins*

San Francisco: Dougie the Dogfish

Seattle: Name to be determined  Dewey

Portland: Stony the Stag**

*Mo Hawkins is the only mascot listed on the team roster. While we are on that subject, shouldn't Mo's ultimate position be a "Wing" instead of a Handler?

**Portland also has a Park Ranger emceeing at home games.

And in the East Conference, Philadelphia has Dizzy...

Dizzy is supposed to be a dog. I repeat: A DOG.

[Photo Credits: Ultiphotos
Mo Hawkins via VNH
Dougie by Rodney Chen
Seattle mascot by Scott Houghtaling
Stony via twitter
Dizzy by Brian Canniff]

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