Thursday, December 15, 2016

"Tin-th" Year Anniversary of the Sludge Blog

Today marks ten years since the very first published post - way back on December 15, 2006. Appropriately, the 10 year anniversary is traditionally celebrated with gifts of tin.

Big thanks to those that have visited this blog with a strong relation to the sport of ultimate and an infatuation with Frisbees. There have been 3578 postings within these ten years (3653 days).

A hearty thank you to those that have ever shared a blog post via Facebook or Twitter or whatever is your social media du jour. Your support is very much appreciated.

It's fun to be able to share ultimate via this blog and Twitter. Hopefully, the blog somehow enriches your existing ultimate frisbee knowledge.

Thank you. 


1 comment:

  1. An average of 1 post per day for 10 straight years. Is that math right?
