Tuesday, February 20, 2018

DC Breeze 2018 AUDL Schedule

The 14-game American Ultimate Disc League regular season 2018 schedule for Washington, D.C. Breeze was released.

7: Montreal Royal @ DC
22: Ottawa Outlaws @ DC
28: @ Philadelphia Phoenix

5: @ New York Empire
12: Raleigh Flyers @ DC
19: @ Toronto Rush
20: @ Montreal Royal
26: New York Empire @ DC

2: @ Pittsburgh Thunderbirds
9: Toronto Rush @ DC
23: @ Toronto Rush
24: @ Ottawa Outlaws
30: Philadelphia Phoenix @ DC

14: New York Empire @ DC

In 2018, DC starts the season on April 7 and ends 14 weeks later on July 14. The Breeze are scheduled to play 12 games in the AUDL East plus 2 cross-divisional games; one versus Raleigh (AUDL South) and another against Pittsburgh (AUDL Midwest).

Both of the Breeze's back-to-back games are road trips to Canada -- May 19-20 and June 23-24.

DC Breeze game tickets are currently available. All home games will be played at Catholic University in NE D.C.

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