Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Map Chart: 2018 World Ultimate Club Championships Teams by Country

There are 128 teams set to compete at the WFDF 2018 World Ultimate Club Championships - July 14-21; Cincinnati, Ohio in the Men's, Mixed, and Women's divisions. The United States of America leads with the most overall teams (13); Canada and Great Britain are represented by 10 club ultimate teams each.

36  = # of different countries competing at WUCC 2018

15 = # of countries represented in all three divisions at WUCC 2018
(Australia, Belgium,  Canada, Colombia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Russian Federation, Singapore, Switzerland, USA)

13 = # of club ultimate teams represented by the USA at WUCC 2018

13 = # of countries represented by only 1 team at WUCC 2018
(Argentina, Chile, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Kenya, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, South Korea, Uruguay)

4 = # of countries represented at WUCC* for the first time. All are competing in the mixed division.
(Chile, India, Kenya, Uruguay)
*specific only to WUCC, not other WFDF events [Data via WFDF/WUCC]

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