Saturday, June 29, 2019

Medellin Revolution Win 2019 Premier Ultimate League Title

Congratulations to MedellĂ­n Revolution for completing an undefeated season in the 2019 Premier Ultimate League. With a familiar roster, Revo entered the season as heavy favorites and posted a (5-0) record in the regular season - 4 games of which were on the road. Revolution began their season on opening day of the league, and finished on the last game of the season.

In the postseason in Atlanta, the team from Colombia battled Atlanta for a 1-goal win in the semifinals, and went on to win the finals the next day; a 20-14 (9-7 halftime) victory against Raleigh Radiance. Revolution end the season with a perfect (7-0) record and claim to the first title of the Premier Ultimate Leagued in its "pilot" season.

Felicidades, Revo!

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