Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ultimate Tournament Staff Appreciation Day

Today is Ultimate Tournament Staff Appreciation Day!
From local leagues to national events; from Sectionals to Regionals, from hats to Worlds, ultimate tournaments happen because of hardworking individuals. Tournament Directors (TDs) and their staff do so much – schedule, budget, plan, setup, field lining, feeding, measuring, calling, texting, emailing, confirming, directing, volunteer recruitment, keeping time, air-horning, checking weather, rechecking weather, selling merchandise, hiring trainers, delegating, getting water, finding backup fields (when necessary), cleanup, score reporting and so much more – to organize competition for the sport of ultimate. For these reasons and more, September 18th is a day to take time to appreciate Ultimate Tournament Staff.

Want to celebrate Ultimate Tournament Staff Appreciation day?
  • Post an appreciative message on social media and tag the tournament account.
  • Post a photo of a recent ultimate tournament with a complimentary message.
  • Hug &/or high-five tourney staff if you see them in-person.
Why celebrate Ultimate Tournament Staff Appreciation day?
Join this grassroots movement to publicly recognize these important people in the sport of ultimate. Or, don't; just take for granted the time and energy ultimate tournament staff/volunteers spend so you can play ultimate games.

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