Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Active Listening

Body Language tidbit from Runner's World (August 2007): Listening to the sounds your body makes can help you recognize and avoid injury.

Clicking - Caused by tight muscles pulling a joint out of alignment. Improving flexibility will help.
Creaking - A muscle, tendon, or ligament is tight & needs stretching. Perform a thorough warm up.
Crunching - Usually in the neck, hands, & feet where calcification forms around joints. Usually a sign that improved joint flexibility is needed.
Pop - If followed by minor swelling, it’s a ligament pull, if followed by major swelling, it’s a muscle pull. Seek medical attention.
Snap - This can also be a muscle pull or worse a fracture of a bone. Seek medical attention if it is painful or you can’t bear weight on that area.

Note: If you hear 2+ sounds after getting outta bed, then re-seek attention from your blanket & pillow.

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