Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Week 2: apPARENTly

After a parent-approved field change, Sludge was apparently in no rush to ham it up. Down a g00se egg-to-2, brown showed remote improvement in field positioning. Whereas in Week 1, Sludge stalled at the 2/3rds area of the field; Saturday, it was the 2/7th remainder of the field (+5% improvement).

Sludge closed in on the goal line, then looked scrambled. That prank of reaching for the passenger door as the car lurches forward rings true - so close, yet so far not inside!

Sludge demonstrated hard manual labor to a tardy bearded CHap in one of the longest points evah as 'Head'Master Matthew implored Sludge to change our offensive way.

Our opponents ReRun'd the middle D to boost viewership. Frequent Nielsen rating drops did them in, giving Sludge a primo time slot. Longer cuts and cutz from the back of the stack egg-celled Sludge to a comfortable lead.

After a 4-season weather experience in the 2nd half, the game was capped at 14. Up 13-10, down one bunny, Sludge D created a turn. Then, a long distance call was placed to Bucci's Deli telling them their Cutting Machine has been found...holding the disc for the game-ending score.

:Game Notes:
Kicking the disc is not cool.
Russ enjoys rewarding poachers.
Mi Rancho is a swell after-game sponsor.

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