Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In-Decision: Fall 2010

sludge25CHarlie's recent heavily ellipsis'd e-mail:

It's time for that semi-annual rite of wallowing in indecision, evaluating the old bones, the remaining desires, the disputing as to needed females, the pre-commitment of your availability or not...........

the upcoming fall season could be the 25th season for the wearing of the brown...........

So, I would like to take attendance as to whether or not you are interested, available, pregnant, in-town, happily married to a spouse who will put up with your playtime...........

.... and whether or not you expect to make most games, have any known trips, know the dates of OBX so I can ask for a bye..... want to make any comments to our man Rob who is now safely on the left coast, but not yet off the email list.....

So, Is you IN?

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