Friday, March 06, 2020

Coronavirus Precautions For the Sport of Ultimate

Besides the general prevention efforts of spreading the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), USA Ultimate has provided the additional precautions so ultimate players do not catch the disease:

  • Regularly disinfect the disc(s) you are using (e.g. wipes or sanitizer)
  • Not sharing water bottles or community snacks
  • Avoiding shaking hands or giving high-fives
  • Not doing spirit circles

Kind of takes the fun out of playing ultimate, but these are different times which demand a different level of expectations.

Monday, March 02, 2020

Three Detroit Players Killed in Vehicle Accident

On Saturday, February 29, three members of the Detroit Mechanix - Michael Cannon, Kevin "Sass" Coulter, and Drew Piet - were killed in a car accident on their way to Mechanix practice. The three men were were fatally injured on I-96 when a car rear-ended their vehicle.  MORE...

[h/t AUDL]