Thursday, September 04, 2008


With skool back in session & OBX just around the corner, we all best be in the know.

Drinking Games: Post-Sec Edition A few more ideas to keep your study buddies on their toes at the back-to-class beer gardens (08.28.08):

Let me preface this by stating an obvious (yet often unheeded) word of caution: drink responsibly....With that out of the way, I’ll stop lecturing you like an ornery professor and move on to a topic that’s fun for the whole family: drinking games. ..., so here’s a brief rundown of some tried and true inebriation sports.


September usually has its share of warm days, so do yourself a favour and get outside to enjoy the lush, verdant campus before it turns into a barren wasteland of frigid, suicide-inducing wind and hip-shattering icy sidewalks. To play, you’ll need two small tables placed 40 feet apart, an empty beer bottle on each table, a Frisbee, and four players. The object of the game is to knock down your opponent’s beer bottle, causing the opposing team to chug their drinks. In addition, the Frisbee must be caught on each turn; if it hits the ground, the team who missed it must take a drink. The game is usually played with a few other rules, such as taking a drink for dropping or spilling your drink (the game must be played with a drink in one hand), stepping over the imaginary line in front of the table, handing off the Frisbee (it must always be tossed), missing a turn (throwing alternates between players), bouncing the Frisbee off the ground in front of the opponents, or throwing way off course.

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