Friday, October 08, 2021

Ultimate Philately

A red Frisbee is featured on an U.S. postage stamp. Flying disc is one of the "eight popular games" in the United States Postal Service's Backyard Games collection (August 2021). Frisbee joins corn hole, horseshoes, croquet, bocce, wiffle ball, badminton, and that ball wrapping around a pole game. Mike Ryan designed the stamps with original artwork by Mick Wiggins.

USPS frisbee stamp

According to the USPS press release: As temperatures warm up, Americans head outside to relax and enjoy the sunshine. With a touch of strategy, a bit of luck and a healthy dose of friendly competition, backyard games provide almost endless amusement. At the beach, in a public park or in your own backyard, these games are a great way for children and adults to have fun while enjoying the company of friends and family.

Tossing a flying disc can be as simple as playing catch or as involved as a spirited team game called "ultimate." With the flick of a wrist, a hard plastic, aerodynamic disc can sail through the air, flying straight or veering at an angle, depending on the thrower's aim and release. Disc golf is also a popular game using flying discs and has rules like golf — without the ball and clubs, adding new dimension to the art of throwing a disc just right.

A Forever stamp in 2021 costs 58¢. In 1957, Pluto Platters ("Frisbees") were being sold for 79¢.

Friday, April 02, 2021

Alone with My Thoughts

ultimate frisbee deep thoughts


Monday, February 22, 2021

For Sale: Home with 9-Hole Disc Golf Course on Property

A Colorado home designed to entertain is on the market for $4.4 million. Built in 2000, the five-bedroom, nine-bathroom home in Fort Collins spreads out over 12,772 square feet, including a 9-hole disc golf course. (That's one bathroom for every disc golf hole.) It's safe to assume there's plenty of space for a few ultimate fields on its 36-acre property.

Colorado Home Sale

The listing details the residence features a two-story atrium with streams and a koi pond, a library, craft room, home theater, wine cellar, homebrewing room, gym, along with the master bedroom's private patio with a hot tub and sauna.

Situated on 36 acres next to Horsetooth Reservoir, the property boasts views of the foothills and reservoir and features a stage and seating designed to resemble the iconic Red Rocks Amphitheatre, audio hookups and all. The property also includes a garden and nine-hole frisbee golf course. 

Friday, January 29, 2021