Monday, June 27, 2016

WUGC 2016 USA Player Leaderboard

WFDF's World Ultimate (and Guts) Championships were a sweeping success for the five USA Ultimate National teams. Using the provided WUGC data, here is a compilation of the offensive leaders for all the USA Ultimate teams.


TOP GOAL SCORERS [10 or more goals]
24 = Joel Schlachet  (M)
17 = Kami Groom (W)
16 = Sarah Meckstroth (X)
14 = Casey Degnan  (MM), Simon Higgins (X), Claire Desmond (W)
13 = Sally Lambert (MW)
12 = Ben Dieter (MM), Khalif El-salaam (X), Lien Hoffmann (W), Jimmy  Mickle (M), Tom Doi (M)
11 = Crystal Davis (MW), Alicia White  (MW), Genevieve Laroche (MW), Jared Inselmann (MM), Marika Austin (X)
10 = Eric Woolridge (MM), Kevin Kusy (MM), Chris Mazur (X), Sarah Anciaux (W)

HIGHEST GOALS per GAME [minimum of 1 goal/game]
2.67 = Joel Schlachet (M)
1.83 = Alicia White (MW)
1.75 = Casey Degnan (MM)
1.70 = Kami Groom (W)
1.63 = Sally Lambert (MW)
1.60 = Sarah Meckstroth (X)
1.56  = Claire Desmond (W)
1.50 = Ben Dieter (MM)
1.40 = Simon Higgins (X)
1.38 = Crystal Davis (MW), Genevieve  Laroche (MW), Jared Inselmann (MM)
1.33 = Jimmy Mickle (M), Tom Doi (M)
1.25 = EricWoolridge (MM), Kevin Kusy (MM)
1.20 = Khalif El-salaam  (X), Lien Hoffmann (W)
1.13 = Darragh Clancy (MW)
1.10 = Marika Austin (X)
1.00 = Chris Mazur (X) Sarah Anciaux (W), Dylan Freechild (M), Nick Stuart (M), VY Chow (MW), Mike Moore (MM), David Snoke (MM), Josh Berkowitz (MM)

ASSIST LEADERS [9 or more assists]
17 = Jared Inselmann (MM)
15 = Jimmy Mickle  (M)
14 = Georgia Bosscher (W), Anna Nazarov (W)
13 = Simon Higgins (X), Reid Koss (X), Ashlin Joye (M)
12 = Eric Woolridge (MM), Sam Kanner (X), Claire Chastain (W)
11 = Ben Dieter (MM), Kath Ratcliff (MW)
10 = Brett Matzuka (X)
9 = Chris Mazur (X), VY Chow (MW), Cassidy Rasmussen  (M), Gwen Ambler  (MW), Jenny Fey (W), Sion Stone (MM), Angela Lin  (MW)

HIGHEST ASSISTS per GAME [minimum of 1 assist/game]
2.13 = Jared Inselmann (MM)
1.67  = Jimmy Mickle (M)
1.50  = Eric Woolridge (MM)
1.44 = Ashlin Joye (M)
1.40 = Georgia Bosscher (W), Anna Nazarov  (W)
1.38 = Ben Dieter (MM),  Kath Ratcliff (MW)
1.30 = Simon Higgins (X), Reid Koss (X)
1.20 = Sam Kanner (X), Claire Chastain (W)
1.13 = VY Chow (MW), Cassidy Rasmussen (M), Gwen Ambler (MW), Sion Stone (MM), Angela Lin (MW)
1.00 = Brett Matzuka (X), Dominique Fontenette (MW)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AKA: Who plays O-line.